The Ballad of Ol' Dad and Lil' Calou
in the year 89'

Came in my head an old story
From the Far West with Cat Balou
Dooley, The Kid, all so sorry
Not knowing you Little Calou.

I'm sure they would have liked to hear
You singing words they used to blab
About loving, hope, hate and fear,
Ev'ry feeling that lead their pad.

Keep on dreaming but don't worry
They were in love with Mary-Lou,
Peggy, Sally, Calamity,
But these were not so kind as you.

So please agree for this New Year
Some tenderness from your old Dad
Who offers you, my very Dear,
His Best Wishes and this Ballad.

À ma fille Carole pour le premier de l’an 88/89
que nous ne passerons pas ensemble pour la première fois.

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